
for those who fpl, seriously !!

All Data

points scored, minutes played, bonus, previous seasons, player ownerships

injuries, price changes, transfers, top fpl managers, fixtures difficulties

and much more ....

All Stats

Points per game, ownership %, points breakdown, ICT vs price

transfers in/out ratio, points distribution by teams/players/positions

All Analytics

Interactive Charts, Data tables, Treemaps, Plots, Wordclouds

the experience of complete fpl analytics dashboard on your browser

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Players' performance DB

Player KPIs - sort, filter and select players by Name, Team, Position, Cost, Minutes played, Points, Bonus, Pts/game and Ownership%

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Fixtures Difficulty Ratings by Player

Sort, filter and compare players in one table by various matrices, upto 10 upcoming fixtures (and their difficulty ratings) at once

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Top 5K managers DB

Weekly players' ownership among current top 5k mangers, data include Benched, Captained, Vice-captaiend & Triple Captained numbers

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Player Value Change - Season

Viz. showing overall change in price of every player during the season

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Overnight Price Changes

Up to date price movement records of players, tracking daily, gameweek and season price changes along with other KPIs

*Image shows last night's changes

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Overnight Injuries/Suspensions

Up to date availibilty records of players, tracks availibilty status, chance of playing, News and other indices

*Image shows last night's changes

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ICT Value Analysis

Viz. - Analysis of player's cost vs ICT (Influence, Creativity & Threat) index

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Players' Points Breakdown

Table which breakdowns FPL points earned by any player by all possible scoring rules. Eg: Goals, Assists, Clean sheets, Penalty missed, Bonus etc.

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Transfer Anomaly Detection

Viz. - most extreme Transfers in vs Transfers out ratio of all the players in current gameweek, the anomalies

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Player Points per Cost

Interactive Viz.- Player points Vs Cost analysis. Analysis of total minutes, points and positions (FWD, GKP, MID, DEF) of players

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Player Points per Game per Cost

Interactive Viz.- Player Cost Vs Pts. per Game analysis.

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Historical Data

Historical data from previous seasons

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Points Distribution Treemap

A layered interactive vizualisation of all FPL points scored by individual teams and the players.
